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CONTRIBUTOR Elizabeth Jones

Astrologer Elizabeth Jones is bringing to you three decades of experience as an extraordinaire guide to the stars. She will give you tools, insights and guidance of how the stars and movement of the planets are influencing your life and delivers these insights based on her deep knowledge of metaphysical and spiritual subjects.

These are powerful times of change and transformation, and the information that Astrology, when based soundly in the principles of metaphysics, can offer are like pathways that can assist you in better understanding the cosmic forces influencing you as you walk your own unique path towards fulfilling your Soul’s purpose.

Elizabeth has studied astrology and metaphysics since 1964, as a young teen. Her mentor and first teacher was her paternal grandfather, Ralph Jones who had studied astrology, metaphysics and theosophy since the 1920s. His influence on Elizabeth was profound and life-changing and set her from an early age on her life path as both a seeker and a teacher. This has allowed her to offer a depth of insight that is rare among her peers.

ARCHIVES for Elizabeth Jones

CONTRIBUTOR: Elizabeth Jones – March 26 – REPLAY

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Elizabeth Jones is an incredible astrologer, remarkable intuitive, and a Tarot reader extraordinaire. She’s back to share some interesting astrological configurations and do personal readings! To gain a unique perspective every month on how to apply Astrology to your life in simple, easy-to-comprehend terms, that will empower you so that you can make well-informed decisions based on the Celestial Energies that impact us all the…