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11:11 Soul Song for 2010

We are all on a journey. A journey of discovery of self. A journey of increased awareness. A journey of deepening our connection with the Divine. Many of us understand the meaning of the 11:11 phenomenon, but I have provided a brief description for those who are new to it.

Many believe that when our attention is drawn to our clocks, and we see 11:11 displayed that we are being nudged by the Divine to move away from duality into a state of oneness. To relish in the knowingness that we are all connected, and there is no separation. 11:11 can be seen as a prompt to stop and just be. Many feel that when we see 11:11 that an activation (of remembering who we are) takes place in our cellular make-up, thereby, raising our vibration, bringing us closer to ascension. We are being prompted to look beyond our physical selves, and see the bigger picture… the larger part of us that is everywhere, all the time.

So, as you listen to Jennifer’s 11:11 Soul Song for 2010, let it saturate every cell. Fully embody the healing energy, and allow that energy to emanate from you, so that others may also benefit from it.

TIME: 11:11 PM Pacific/Los Angeles/California
TIME ZONE CONVERTER: http://budurl.com/TimeZone

AUDIO: (TO DOWNLOAD – PC Users: Right click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save to your computer. Mac Users: Ctrl+click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target As/Link As” to save to your computer.)

MP3 File

This is a gift. Feel free to share it with others! Your comments are appreciated!


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