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Body Dialoging – December 28, Bathing Work in the Energy of Play

It was SO GREAT to be with everyone in this beautiful community once again. We’d had a bit of a break as I was on vacation for an entire month and I’m so grateful that you allowed me the opening and opportunity to re-group and come back with this new level of peace and love.

We started off by talking about the notion of play and what it REALLY means to play, just for the sake of playing. Over the course of this last month, I discovered that for me, I’d convinced myself that I was playing while participating in sports, games, or other activities that other people might consider “play,” I was actually competing.

Is that the case for you?

Think about it: when was the last time you just played because it’s fun? When was the las time you skipped because you felt it, sang because you just wanted to, or spun around in your office chair JUST BECAUSE?

Think back to your childhood and try to remember what it was that you just LOVED to do? Now, go ahead and do it. Let go of the “why” behind it and just let yourself go free. Move into a new relationship with play and when you find out what makes your hear sing, use that energy in all aspects of your life.

Audio Replay:

(TO DOWNLOAD – PC Users: Right click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save to your computer. Mac Users: Ctrl+click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target As/Link As” to save to your computer.

(Due to some technical difficulties, we will not have video for this call’s replay. Please listen above and experience this powerful call.)


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