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Body Dialoging – Expanding Into Peace and Freedom, August 16 REPLAY

Guess what?
The old adage of “What you resist persists” actually rings true, AND, is here to enable us to grow as we need to most.

We explored our struggles, how we’ve been labeled, our paths of growth and expansion, and the moments of craziness that have led us to where we are now. Then, we allowed ourselves to fully feel the emotion behind all of it.

Life shows up with what can be perceived as drama but as we grow and expand, our capacity to deal with the experience ALSO expands.

We get to allow ourselves to move through these cycles of pain so that we can achieve the freedom, release, joy and BEAUTIFUL growth that exists on the other side.

Listen to this replay and get ready to journey deeper into the heart of your Self, exploring the experience by fully feeling all of it.

Audio Replay:

(TO DOWNLOAD – PC Users: Right click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save to your computer. Mac Users: Ctrl+click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target As/Link As” to save to your computer.

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