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Body Dialoging – March 17 Replay – BEING MY AUTHENTIC SELF

In this mercury retrograde time frame it sometimes feels like there is an undercurrent of upset, frustration and fear, and we used that energy on this show.

We went into the discovery process of the aspect of our being that needs to control, that hangs onto fear that “can’t let go and be our authentic self.” This took us on a journey to creating new energetic signatures of safety, support, health, love, acceptance and surrender.

We lived a day in the life of these energetic signatures as if they already existed and bathed in their energetic frequencies.

Then we noticed that this deep seated core energy of control was still there (however had moved from a 10 to around a 3) and honored that place. We asked it what it further needed and then connected it to the support of the sacred chamber. We also opened up the space to allow it to simply play, not change, not get rid of but play and experiment with feeling the highest vibration energies and allowing it to get to know these new vibrant energies over time.

We finished with a soul song of allowing this space of play.

So play now… who would you be if you were in your current situation in surrender, what would it feel like feel support, what would it be like to experience vibrant health even in your body right now?


Audio Replay: (TO DOWNLOAD – PC Users: Right click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save to your computer. Mac Users: Ctrl+click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target As/Link As” to save to your computer.

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