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Body Dialoging – November 2, Journey to Your Sacred Chamber

We started by playing with joy and the beauty that comes into our world when we embrace our power in this lifetime.
We then moved to discuss the meaning of “Transmogrify” in our lives and were able to see that we are able to shift into greatness.

After a discussion about density and upset, we discussed that the things we make important and the things that matter to us ultimately create more density. When we move into the mind and make something incredibly significant, we set the expectation SO HIGH that it’s almost expected they’ll fall short. As a result, we move into disappointment and upset and begin to lose hope or faith.

Rather than give up and settle into a default emotion, use moments of density as opportunities to move into the heart and embrace neutrality. We can shift negativity and density into points of opening.

We’ve relied on the mind for so long and have wholly depended on it to lead us through lifetimes of experience that the only way to move out of density and into joy, peace, grace and ease is to allow the mind to let go and live from the heart.

We’ve relied on the mind to accomplish a job that it was never designed for. When we move into the heart, intuition can come back into your field and you’re able to open to new possibilities and greater potential than the mind could even imagine.

It’s time for us to move into what’s real – the Sacred Chamber within the heart that overflows with intuition. It’s time to overflow with love, light, passion, and joy. Increase your awareness, live from your Sacred Chamber and discover the purpose behind everything in your life experience.

We’re being squeezed through the eye of the needle and while it may not be easy at times, it’s incredibly simple.

The Joseph Communications: The Fall by Michael Reccia is a really miraculous book that has validated what so many of us have believed for so long. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, I HIGHLY recommend it.

Audio Replay:

(TO DOWNLOAD – PC Users: Right click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save to your computer. Mac Users: Ctrl+click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target As/Link As” to save to your computer.

(Due to some technical difficulties, we will not have video for this call’s replay. Please listen above and experience this powerful call.)

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