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Body Dialoging – October 19 Replay, The Beautifully Powerful Strength of Vulnerability

We began by discussing the notion of judgement…
Judge enough to determine your boundaries, and set them.

THEN move into love and acknowledge that something is happening because judgement came into play at all.
What if, everything happening here is really a series of reactions rather than a set of mis-bahaviours that deserve our judgement.
We looked at response and what gives us the ability to respond.
We came up with being centered, in out Divine space, the acknowledgement of choice, grace, before moving into a conversation about logistics.
Life shows up and it can seem like an insurmountable pile of stuff to have to deal with and move through but, by turning the corner to love and looking for a way to live within the light, love and compassion there’s an opportunity to see your Divine path.
Let the world fall away, let your Divinity take over and allow yourself to feel grace, centeredness, Divinity and tap into the master that you are. Remember the light and love and power that you are.
We spent some time to focus on one of our own – one of our members who is moving through a difficult time, and where it took us was truly remarkable. An outpouring and enormous infusion of light came down over the planet like a glimmering wave of grace. We shifted our relationships with money and power and moved into a new state of wholeness and safe compassion.
Listen to this replay, feel the beautifully powerful strength of vulnerability and authenticity and explore your own potential for shifting into more.

Audio Replay:

(TO DOWNLOAD – PC Users: Right click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save to your computer. Mac Users: Ctrl+click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target As/Link As” to save to your computer.

(Due to some technical difficulties, we will not have video for this call’s replay. Please listen above and experience this powerful call.)

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