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Body Dialoging – September 17 Replay

WOW — a remarkably powerful session today really quite incredible!

WE CREATE A MULTIDIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK TO MANIFEST OUR DREAM and opened up trust and faith for it to come to fruition

We started with a deep exploration of what is happening on the planet… of what 2012 is, which lead to a discussion of duality.

Wonderful contributions from members of what they are experiencing and channeling about this time.

It lead us to a journey to the multidimensional aspect of our beings. We felt, explored, experienced, sensed what it is to be our multidimensional selves and how powerful we are. We felt the power of how profoundly creative we are in this multidimensional aspect.

We went on to hold hands in this multidimensional reality with our beautiful community of members and in turn hold hands with our guides and angels and those assisting the planet at this time. We held a space to bless the planet with our intentions of love and peace.

We then went onto bring our multidimensional perceptions and creative power back to our 3-dimensional selves and grant them a wish… a desire (you can grant two more by listening again). We then went through the exercise from Alison Armstrong of “asking for what we need,” and asked for what we needed/wanted… then wrote down:

— What that looked like”
— then explored what that would provide (the god qualities of what it would feel like to have that need accomplished)
— then asked “what did we need in order to receive it… and discovered the “glitch” of trust and faith…

We then went on a body dialog journey to trust and faith and played with “them” until they became the actual twins Trust & Faith who are now creating the platform of trust and faith for our dream to float on, for our god qualities to be expressed.

Then finished with the trust and faith soul song.

WOO HOO free at last 🙂

Audio Replay: (TO DOWNLOAD – PC Users: Right click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save to your computer. Mac Users: Ctrl+click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target As/Link As” to save to your computer.

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