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Guest Contributors

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Marilyn Alauria – January 3, 2023

Marilyn started by sharing that in 2023, it’s time to “raise your hand in your life…” telling the universe you’re ready and want to be seen. We have shifted into incredible energies this year. So now you have the support to become an active participant in your life. Walk in your destiny. It may not be comfortable at times, but you will be presented with opportunities when you do.

Marilyn shared her story of claiming, “I’m going to 10X my life,” and dramatic changes happened. It was a little messy and seemingly challenging.

This year you are no longer able to hide and retreat from what’s meant for you. It’s time to live in your light. If you don’t do that, poverty, illness, and lack may be showing up to nudge you more; it is a moment to move and change…

CONTRIBUTOR: Marilyn Alauria – October 3, 2022 REPLAY

There is a class at www.marilynalauria.com/alignment delivering a video that unlocks the first pillar of subconscious thinking. A 20-minute video, a life-changing tool, and an opportunity to go deeper.

When you choose something big and are ready for the change… most foundations that you have built will change, dismantle, and shift in preparation for what’s next.

It’s up to us to create the change that we now want. Time to do gratitude lists, prayers, meditation, exercise, eating well… accelerating things to match the intentions you are setting. We have to change our minds because it is creating our lives…

CONTRIBUTOR: Kristen Webster – March 6, 2017 REPLAY

Inspired by life and guided by an insatiable curiosity to explore the depths of untapped possibilities and human potential, Kristen juggles her time as a radio show host, transformation coach, dedicated mom and emissary of Godeliciousness™.

When not exploring new possibilities on the radio show, Kristen enthusiastically leverages the rest of her time guiding others in the use of holographic tools and principles to take charge of their own realities and step boldly into their unique, delicious selves. In addition to being a trained energy/intuitive healer, she is a certified Laughter Yoga™ Instructor, and developer of her own line of energetically imbued bath and body products called Cleen™.

In keeping with her soul signature, every journey she embarks on has a common theme: to expand in love, laughter, creativity, freedom, magic, joy and possibility as she inspires and empowers others to tap into their own truth as well.

CONTRIBUTOR: Kristen Webster – August 31, 2016, REPLAY

Inspired by life and guided by an insatiable curiosity to explore the depths of untapped possibilities and human potential, Kristen juggles her time as a radio show host, transformation coach, dedicated mom and emissary of Godeliciousness™.

When not exploring new possibilities on the radio show, Kristen enthusiastically leverages the rest of her time guiding others in the use of holographic tools and principles to take charge of their own realities and step boldly into their unique, delicious selves. In addition to being a trained energy/intuitive healer, she is a certified Laughter Yoga™ Instructor, and developer of her own line of energetically imbued bath and body products called Cleen™.

In keeping with her soul signature, every journey she embarks on has a common theme: to expand in love, laughter, creativity, freedom, magic, joy and possibility as she inspires and empowers others to tap into their own truth as well.