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CONTRIBUTOR: Brian Seth Hurst – April 18, 2016 REPLAY

Counselor and Intuitive Coach, Brian Seth Hurst has been assisting people in gaining an enhanced perspective on their lives and their businesses for over 30 years.

Brian brings his experience as a successful executive in the entertainment industry to provide vision and insight into how to master your life and business. He has helped clients clarify circumstances, articulate what is being learned and define opportunities.

To book a private session with Brian, send an email to [email protected] and just include your time zone and “Private Session” in the subject. Also, to join his mailing list, just send him an email with the words “mailing list” in the subject.

He has worked with people in all walks of life from CEO’s of major corporations, to authors, celebrities, artists and performers as well as many other professions, ultimately assisting them in articulating their lives and their dreams.

If you would like to give a reading to a friend, family member or loved one, you can do so by emailing Brian ([email protected]) and adding “gift certificate” in the subject line.

And, Brian’s book “W H O L E,” a powerful work that provides a constructive spiritual perspective on how personal belief systems create everyday reality, is available and can be purchased HERE for your own enjoyment and development.

Here’s what’s being said about W H O L E:
“Sometimes we just don’t know what’s going on… with ourselves, with what we want, with other people, with the job… though that doesn’t stop us from reacting.

Much work has been presented to help light-up what’s going on and help us see our conditioning. Different teachers resonate differently. WHOLE is surprisingly vibrant with very concise and sharp messages that one might find in the works of Wayne Dyer, David Hawkins, Gerald Epstein, Robert Gibson, and even some of the more material wisdom presented by Napoleon Hill and Joe Vitale.

Brian Seth Hurst is not just pulling from great teachers, he is writing from a place of experience and authenticity. His style of speaking directly to you is highly vibrant and dynamic, and this may be why I found new insights on every page.”

TIME: 4 PM Pacific/Los Angeles/California
TIME ZONE CONVERTER: http://budurl.com/TimeZone
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SKYPE USERS: To participate, you can connect to the calls by clicking the “Join Now” button and entering the conference ID, or you can connect manually by following the instructions for Mac or PC. For instructions, CLICK HERE!

TO PARTICIPATE IN SHOWS If you dial in, press *2 to raise your hand (pressing *2 again will lower your hand). Press * 6 to mute and *7 to unmute. Also, we ask that you keep your question as succinct and direct as possible, so Brian can assist as many people as he can.


Today, we started the conversation by exploring the detrimental impact of comparing ourselves and potentially sacrificing our needs, wants and identity in order to “keep up” with the world.

When we believe we need to sacrifice ourselves in order to survive, it puts us in a place of constant perceived lack… and all we really need is to love, honor and follow our own hearts.

This show is one that really begs to be experienced and listened to…

Give yourself the gift of re-centering and click “play” above to discover he depths of heart that were revealed in tonight’s show with Brian.


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