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CONTRIBUTOR: Brian Seth Hurst – September 17, Let Life to Happen From You

Intuitive Counselor and Coach, Brian Seth Hurst has been assisting people in gaining an enhanced perspective on their lives and their businesses for over 25 years.

The messages Brian sends out resonate with each and every one of us.

His answers may not pertain to your current question, but if you dig deep, there is part of you that can benefit from what he is telling others.

It’s almost like a group psychic reading!

To receive a private reading with Brian… email him at [email protected] All sessions are recorded, and you’ll receive the file via YouSendIt.com. Sessions are $300 for 1 hour, and $150 for 30 minutes. Be sure to jot down a list of what you want to discuss with Brian… but most importantly, have FUN during your reading!

TIME: 4 PM Pacific/Los Angeles/California
TIME ZONE CONVERTER: http://budurl.com/TimeZone
PHONE NUMBER: CLICK HERE FOR NUMBER (All callers: please choose any number listed to participate on the phone.)
SKYPE USERS: To participate, you can connect to the calls by clicking the “Join Now” button and entering the conference ID, or you can connect manually by following the instructions for Mac or PC. For instructions, CLICK HERE!

TO PARTICIPATE IN SHOWS If you dial in, press *2 to raise your hand (pressing *2 again will lower your hand). Press * 6 to mute and *7 to unmute. Also, we ask that you keep your question as succinct and direct as possible, so Brian can assist as many people as he can.


Brian shared that life brings in difficulties and can be extremely tough to deal with at times; however, those events and experiences are all part of the organization of the universe.

If you’re working diligently at progressing through a tough time, the universe will provide you with the support and guidance you need.

You may even feel that you’ve been running around in circles without getting anywhere. But, each time you come back around, you progress a little more and move in the direction of progress and positive change.

Have faith in your abilities.

Know that you are worthy of your own confidence.

Believe in your power and overcome the limitations you’ve created because you are an incredible source of strength when life gets tough.


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