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CONTRIBUTOR: Elizabeth Jones – March 26 – REPLAY

Elizabeth Jones is an incredible astrologer, remarkable intuitive, and a Tarot reader extraordinaire. She’s back to share some interesting astrological configurations and do personal readings!

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Elizabeth didn’t waste any time jumping into tonight’s conversation; as soon as you press play, you’ll be hooked and will need to keep listening!

Mercury Retrograde has been really strange this time around and when Jennifer brings it up, Elizabeth explains that this one began in Aries, which spurred excitement, then turned to Pisces. That combination can cause some confusion and tends to reduce our motivation. If you feel like you’re at the beach enjoying a nice summer day and it recently began to snow, you’re feeling it! It’s an odd feeling but we’re all slowing down and taking a second look for a reason. While forward motion can seem like it’s the only way to get anywhere, that’s just not the way this universe works. There is an underlying divine order that works through the universal laws (attraction, cause and effect, and so on) of this world and from time to time, we need to dig a little deeper, re-examine our lives, and remember that every event carries a lesson worth learning.

Focus your attention upward in order to raise your frequency and vibration and you’ll begin to be more in-tune with the universe. We all have free will and can choose how to live our lives but Elizabeth points out that the habits and patterns we’ve built may initially fight the desire to shift and increase your frequency. Do not give up when you’re met with a little adversity. Just as this Mercurial Retrograde may have pulled the rug out from under you, giving in and giving up on your own growth only hinders your contribution to the world and connection with Spirit.

Several planets and signs of the Zodiac are in a unique and special alignment. In fact, they are aligned in a circle and 120 degrees apart from one another. This connection is currently harboring a cyclical band of energy that has kept Mars connected to its current sign. Behind all Logos there are three universal principles: Expansion, Contraction, and Static. Expansion allows for outward movement, contraction creates inner movement and inspires completion and patience. Static is focused on tending to, preserving, maintaining, and creating the energy of being useful. Elizabeth explains that because of the current time and everything we are experiencing, we need to focus and create space for Static. You may be feeling like something is coming, and that’s definitely the case. But, rather than focus on what’s coming, focus on preparing for the future. The most effective way to prepare is to be aware of this Static energy and embrace it – focus on you and develop stillness rather than agitation. Your attitude during this time of preparation and re-evaluation is everything; take advantage of this chance to grow your roots and build your foundation.

As she asks “What gifts do I have available to me now that I may be overlooking?” Elizabeth reveals that the Tarot of swords shows her sadness for all of us – sadness from the universe because we’re not utilizing our gifts and internal sadness because we can identify those gifts that we simply aren’t sharing. Jennifer hears that we need to share our gifts of communication, healing, and pursuing the gifts that bring you peace, joy, and fun. To reaffirm this point, Elizabeth pulls a card – the Magician. We’re reminded that miracles happen and we need to access those obvious gifts, the gifts that are within our reach.

The question of “What resources do you have that you’re either not utilizing or may not be viewing as a resource?” inspires the reverse Seven of Cups. If you’ve been having a difficult time imagining and visualizing your gifts, spend some time focusing on you and try to map out where you are, what you want to be doing, and what you can do to make that change happen.

We then move to asking “How might I better see or access these?” and Elizabeth sees Justice. The card of Divine order and Divine balance helps us see that without our gifts, we are out of balance and will feel disconnected or “off.” Utilizing these gifts will help to bring balance into our lives. These cards are helping us to see and know the energy that is already present. Small changes and daily attention to the details create big results.

“What small change can I make that will help to manifest what it is that I’m seeking?” brings out the Hanged Man in reverse; the card of being able to shift your perspective. Look at each potential letdown and ask yourself “What would this look like from a different perspective?” you might be amazed by what you see. Next, Elizabeth asks “What can you tell me about the details that I may be overlooking or just not doing?” and sees the Ten of Pentacles. This response represents the importance of our shift in perspective. We may see what we believe will result in perfection; however, as Elizabeth already pointed out, we can’t always see the entire picture. There very well may be a very different purpose for us than what we’ve outlined. She then pulls a second card to focus on the details and sees the Wheel of Fortune reversed. If you don’t take the opportunity to focus on those details that arise in your life, your sense of movement will be directly affected.

Look deeper within yourself and discover what you’re meant to be utilizing. Take some time and prepare space for stillness through Static, and embrace the change that will come. There was so much more than we can do justice to through a recap – be sure to listen to this replay and embrace the changes that will ultimately change your life. Avoid the urge to feel discontent as there is a wonderful next step in the universe that is preparing your next card: the Night of Cups. Moving into your gifts and preparing as we’ve described will ultimately bring you’re your heart’s desires. In order to allow this entire process to happen, Elizabeth’s last card, the Night of Rods says that all you need to do is really, earnestly, and genuinely, seek what you desire; just be willing and want it. See the simplicity of what’s going on. Be willing, be open, and accept that there is a higher pattern that wants to enter your life. Be a blessing to your own life and become a blessing to others.

What a way to end this call!!

And, as Elizabeth mentioned during the Tarot portion of this call, revisit this call in a couple weeks, it will be well worth it!



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