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CONTRIBUTOR: Kristen Webster – March 6, 2017 REPLAY


Kristen Webster is an emissary of Godeliciousness™. She is deeply inspired by life and guided by an insatiable curiosity to explore the depths of untapped possibilities and human potential. She juggles her time as a transformation coach, healer and dedicated mother.

Kristen enthusiastically leverages her time guiding both clients and students alike in the use of holographic tools and principles. Her passion lies in teaching them how to embrace their unique, delicious selves and tap deeply into their own truth to manifest their brilliance in the world. In addition to being a trained energy/intuitive healer, she is a certified Laughter Yoga™ Instructor, and developer of her own line of energetically imbued bath and body products called Cleen™.

In keeping with her own soul’s expression her goal is to exude love, laughter, creativity, freedom, magic, joy and possibility as she inspires and empowers others to tap into their own truth as well.

And, Kristen is offering a limited number of Akashic Record Readings just for this community!

The retail price for these readings is $89 and this community has an exclusive discount to receive them for just $34!

Just click here and book yours before they’re gone!

TIME: 4 PM Pacific/Los Angeles/California

TIME ZONE CONVERTER: http://budurl.com/TimeZone
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TO PARTICIPATE IN SHOWS: If you dial in, press *2 to raise your hand (pressing *2 again will lower your hand). Press * 6 to mute and *7 to unmute. Also, we ask that you keep your question as succinct and direct as possible, so Kristen can assist as many people as she can.



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Today, Kristen offered a reminder: live every day as if you’re moving.

When we move out of a home, we put a TON of work into fixing it up, adding a fresh coat of paint, cleaning under furniture that hasn’t been moved in years (sometimes decades!) and on and on…

And, the same thing reigns true with our own personal and spiritual development. We tend to so easily give to others…

From time to money to our energy, we build up our friends, partners and even complete strangers and can completely forget to pour that love back into ourselves.

She then offered a process for releasing resistance, stepping into flow and giving of ourselves what we need, when we need it most.

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