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CONTRIBUTOR: Laurie Reyon – October 21, 2020 REPLAY

The calling to transformation is so strong right now and it is creating some disruption in our fields. So Laurie has a new energy frequency process that is only for advanced souls in this group… EXCITING.

This is focused on helping the earth.

Message from Seth: Light workers are need to assist the earth. The earth has new light codes… the pandemic has a fear wave… the earth needs even more grounding. We are asked to use our collective great power to create change and respond to Mother Earth’s needs. Laurie walked us through a process to assist with this.

Ionic and atomic restructuring is part of this process and we were asked to enhance the earth vortexes. Separation is ending and we are connecting to our original star families. We are being balanced for that. We accessed Lemuria and started to remember the 5D reality, creating harmonic synergy.

The session work was quite profound as Laurie helped many pets and through those pets, helped their humans.



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About Laurie Reyon

Laurie Reyon is an amazing Animal Communicator, Intuitive, Healer, Spiritual Teacher, and Life Path Coach.

She has been named Standing Whale Mother by the Native Americans and she’s now strongly guided to bring the wisdom and healing energies of the whales and the dolphins to the people, guided by Spirit and the energy of Puddah, a Master Cat, and trusted friend.

Her calls are always incredible, and we know this one is going to be equally AMAZING!

They also have a TON of incredible events coming up that range from whale boat trips to animal communication classes, psychic courses and events that will deepen your intuitive connection while enhancing your clairaudient & clairvoyant abilities.

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