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CONTRIBUTOR: Zach Rehder – August 10, 2015 REPLAY

Zach Rehder MWHMZach is here to offer you the opportunity to have more of yourself. It’s his desire to help you fully realize the gift that you are and discover how amazing you always have been.

He is here to help guide you to living pain free, to feel amazing in your body, and live a life that you absolutely adore. Discover what it means to have total gratitude for yourself and all that is. Join Zach on this hour-long adventure and open to being the example of true potential and possibility for all.

As he works with individuals, the intention and power reaches out to everyone listening – both live and on the replay, so that consciousness may create the change that they are looking for.

Join in as he follows the awarenesses that arise and experience the change that ensues!

TIME: 4 PM Pacific/Los Angeles/California
TIME ZONE CONVERTER: http://budurl.com/TimeZone
PHONE NUMBER: CLICK HERE FOR NUMBER (All callers: please choose any number listed to participate on the phone.)
SKYPE USERS: To participate, you can connect to the calls by clicking the “Join Now” button and entering the conference ID, or you can connect manually by following the instructions for Mac or PC. For instructions, CLICK HERE!
TO PARTICIPATE IN SHOWS: If you dial in, press *2 to raise your hand (pressing *2 again will lower your hand). Press * 6 to mute and *7 to unmute. Also, we ask that you keep your question as succinct and direct as possible, so Zach can assist as many people as he can.


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