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PREDICTIONS WEEK: Brian Seth Hurst – January 8, 2023 REPLAY


Brian is speaking from CES in Vegas. And he discussed technology and how powerful it is.

Brian does not do this alone; whomever he is working with, it is them that is bringing it forward… it is because of the willingness to partner that you bring.

Justice is forgiveness so that we can move on.

The generation from 7 – 25 is so incredible; they come from a place that is for good, making a difference, and don’t have an ego. Diversity, equity, and inclusion is their approach. They know how to find the truth.

— How to be under the ray of light and being ok with what is about to change. The faith you have worked so hard for is available to you now. Start to notice your own value. Brian brought up the film, “Woman Talking.”

— How to decide and how to choose something that appears to be “locked.” Look up and beyond; you are MUCH larger than these doors … and you created these doors. It’s time to transcend cultural limitations. The locked doors are your false beliefs.

— It’s not possible to be in enlightenment 24/7 (and certainly not healthy); sometimes a pause is needed to rest, to integrate, to gain new perspectives, etc. BOOK: Self Compassion, by Christina Neff

— When a divine appointment comes and we don’t believe it… Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Do you realize the difference you make and do you acknowledge that you are contributing deeply? It’s time to focus on the difference you have made to so many lives. It’s time to pay attention to self-care and your body.

— Sadness, fear, and an unseen reality that is there to support us. When we are wrapped up in our fear, we can’t receive that. We think that I have to solve it and not trust others. Time to trust yourself and your own indwelling god. Recognize your own power… the ability to create and magnetize the guidance. You must make the space to bring that in (meditation, being in nature, etc).

— If there is confusion with people in your life and the communication has not been clear. For example, if you can’t figure out where the relationship is going…you get to ask…STOP, I don’t know where this is going, STOP, I want to know where this is leading. New kind of communication.  Ask “What do I want to contribute, and what do I want to share?”

— Institutionalized rules were confusing…You can open to the truth of what you are seeing. Moving into a relationship with an equal exchange of ideas. Let god in and always be calm (LGIABC).

— I have satisfied the obligation of the contract, it is done.  God and I are one, and we are co-creating together.  BOOK: The Law of Divine Compensation, by Marianne Williamson

LAUNCH INTO 2023 with an acceleration program that produces results! Brian is offering THREE amazing opportunities for Predictions Week. GO HERE to sign up for any – or ALL – of these offers today.



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About Brian Seth Hurst, Counselor and Intuitive Coach:

Brian Seth Hurst has been assisting people in gaining an enhanced perspective on their lives and their businesses for over 30 years.

Brian brings his experience as a successful executive in the entertainment industry to provide vision and insight into how to master your life and business. He has helped clients clarify circumstances, articulate what is being learned and define opportunities.

To book a private session with Brian, send an email to [email protected] and just include your time zone and “Private Session” in the subject. Also, to join his mailing list, just send him an email with the words “mailing list” in the subject.

He has worked with people in all walks of life from CEOs of major corporations, to authors, celebrities, artists and performers as well as many other professions, ultimately assisting them in articulating their lives and their dreams.

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