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PREDICTIONS WEEK: Christy Whitman – January 4, 2023 REPLAY


The Council shared that for 2023… You are the ones in the playground… when you start seeing it as a playground and not a struggle, and move into getting out of victim and into light… and know yourself to be the divine creator… you can now play instead of suffer. 

In 2023, you can access all the support you have available:  You have a stadium of light supporting, guiding, and loving you. Each of you has a stadium of light. Some may only see a small version… yet you can allow it in that your stadium is the biggest of the biggest. There is every possible guide here to help with every situation… you have access, and all you need right now is available to help you. Nothing is ever missing.

You are created in the blueprint of wellness and wholeness, love, and support.

They shared a prediction of more of you clicking into place and moving above victim and into abundance, leaving lack behind. More understanding that “I have a voice,“ and use that to ask for what you want and let in what you desire.

The vibration of The Council opened for all of us to heal and transform.

It is time to move from the consciousness of drudgery, suffering, and pain… and now live in joy by releasing the beliefs and patterns of pain and suffering. And know that any perception of pain or suffering is a gift – the opportunities are real in the challenges. “THEY” are pushing my buttons and causing upset… once you release and heal this, on the other end of it you become free of the stuck energy.

The pain body dissolves into your love body.

The Council shared an analogy: If you have 100 units of consciousness (yet it is actually infinite), 80% of consciousness in abundance will be reflected in your circumstance. There is 20 units of consciousness that can pop up, and you have the capacity (the 80%) to change those challenges and heal that. Getting out of victim… each observation of it that doesn’t feel good is now a way to move it forward by flipping it into the light body.

That 80% that we now are in (this group in particular… as light workers) are able to really create something quite nascent and new in our lives and in the world.

In 2023, for this subgroup of light workers… all the light you have been giving out and shifting that upset into light, all of you have had shifts and belief work you have done… all is opening up this year and reward for that service and work.

You can now consciously open up to the portal energy…

The Council did a powerful process that allowed us to move into compassion that neutralizes the stuckness. We can move into neutrality. SO AMAZING.

The secret is: If you feel good, you are in alignment.

The session work was absolutely remarkable and included:

— How to manage a challenging boss… feeling powerless because of them. We just want them to do what we want and follow our script. When you have a contrast like this, it is the best moment of your transformation. Also, watch yourself labeling and judging instead of allowing compassion for yourself to create a connection with them (no matter what that is). These reflections are pain points in YOU. Your own compassion will help to resolve this. What do you want them to do differently? Then you do that for yourself. The Council then gave a powerful formula… so practical and potent.

— Holding ourselves back. What would it feel like if all parts of us were on board. Noticing which parts of us are “tethering” us. Change the language: “I am willing to move forward,” following the split energy. Is it a thought? Change the thought. If it’s a physical upset, change find ways to shift that.

— Financial security, even if it’s ok now, what about tomorrow? That is ancestral beliefs that are still impacting us.

And MUCH More.

We had a slight miscommunication with Christy, and she had to leave early (apologies). So Jennifer stayed on and did another 40 minutes of “speed reading” psychic readings that created wonderful moments and momentum of healing and transformation for all who listened. (Totally worth catching). Several times the “Turn On Your Healing Modality” program came up… you can GO HERE to access this program, or take the “Which Healer Type Are You” Quiz HERE.



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About Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is a transformational leader, Master Certified Coach, Energy Healer and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance. Her new book is called Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, Joyful & Prosperous Relationship With Work and Money.

Christy is also a channel for a group of ascended masters called The Quantum Council of Light and teaches classes, meditations and gives healing sessions with these beings of light. These private and group sessions with The Council are enlightening, life-altering and have healed a number of issues from pain in the body, migraines, disease, emotional instability and traumas, and mental confusion. Clients walk away feeling they have been “love bombed”. It is a return home to the Divine that lives inside each client, and there are hardly any words to describe the bliss, joy and fulfillment clients experience.

Christy has appeared on The Today Show and The Morning Show and her work has been featured in People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others.

1 Comment»

  • Kristy Cristobal says:
    January 5, 2023 at 2:02 am

    Thank you Jennifer, I’ve been a member of your community for 2 yrs and I can not say enough great things about your beautiful platform that is so supportive,and offers so much opportunity for growth and expansion it’s amazing. The speakers she brings to the community and what they offer are life changing, I’m so glad to be a part of it and have no plans on canceling anytime soon. Thank you

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