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PREDICTIONS WEEK: Jennifer McLean – January 8, 2023 REPLAY

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We had some technical glitches that had a lot of folks miss this show… apologies; it was out of our control.

We restarted the session, then went nice and long to ensure we caught everything, and SERIOUSLY, it was profound with BIG insights, transformation, and healing.

Jennifer gave the psychic impression of 2023 (that were also embedded into the Soul Song of 2023). They are:

2023 TRUTH, Truth, truth (& more truth)…

The past several years of the profound change that the pandemic created have revealed the shadow that we are being asked to now heal. All of humanity and every soul on this planet is being nudged into understanding their personal truth. It’s a time of sorting out the fearful mind from the truth and the heart’s truth. The broader “truth” is also showing up and for some, they will need to make BIG adjustments as we all understand that there is a greater truth of the importance of love, light, and power, and what that really is. Expect an abundance of the revelation of the things we had no idea were happening. And it isn’t what you think, it isn’t some broad conspiracy, it is simply light nudging light forward. Truth is the potency of 2023, and it is going to change a lot of hearts and minds. There will be those that resist and that may cause some conflict… yet the truth of love is the trajectory and will ultimately win incrementally over time.

2023 Power Exalted Through Truth & Love…

Truth being the dominant theme will allow those who explore and heal the shadow to be exalted into their power. This power of 2023 is pure divine power, the personal power of individuals simply discovering their natural state of beingness. The individuals with their personal power activated will withstand the “slings and arrows” of those who are afraid of this. These healed-up, power-filled souls will rise up in their families, communities, and some on national stages, modeling what healed-up authentic beingness in their power is like. These individuals will also claim new boundaries and are able to reveal those boundaries in a way that they must be honored by those they are interacting with. They will now understand how to heal themselves even more, how to support themselves cleanly, how to be in good shape no matter what is happening, and able to bring that into the world.

2023 New Ways…

New ways of being, new approaches to doing, new inventions and innovations, new perceptions, new understandings, and new truths are the pathway of 2023. There is a progression from the recent years in 2023 to no longer allowing repression and suppression in just about all areas of life. This will likely not make the news; this will be subtle but strong. This is incremental and iterative in its expansion. This comes from the bottom up, from within out. This is a step-by-step set of breakthroughs in all areas of life… from cleaner water and addressing climate change in the environment on the global stage to democracy breaking through autocracies around the world. It also includes cleaner thoughts and behaviors on the personal. This is a step-by-step process, progressing to the great truth of love in action. This is the next iteration from last year’s energies of: “Real solution energies are here for us. We will see the beginnings of totally new approaches to many things, including changes to systems, ways of thinking, new inventions to handle the challenges, and more.” This is divine personal power in action.

Then you will receive the Soul Song of 2023, delivering profound healing to support you through the year.

Then… HERE IS THE HIGHLIGHT… you will receive the “Attunement for 2023,” a special energy key that unlocks dormant energies to support you throughout this year. WOW! REALLY SPECIAL.

This is a MUST LISTEN!

The session work was remarkable and included:

It started with a powerful process addressing a parent’s concern over her son… freeing him from the shackles of worry and allowing both parent and child to move into a whole new energy of possibility. Quite a profound practice that you can apply to multiple life situations.

Then in the next session, we shifted the energies deeply through a “What If …” healing process to allow us to move directly into the energy of what we desire. We created a new neural pathway for that intention and claimed, “I am exactly where I need to be for what’s the next best thing for me.” Super helpful.

Another session allowed us to find peace in the midst of chaos and discover a new place of peace in contribution.

And for those in the midst of a lot of frustration and dysfunction, we moved into a new place through a special healing technique that allowed us to use the upset to genuinely shift the energy (and the pattern), WOW!

We finished the show with a whole bunch of speed readings that also brought forward the most amazing insights, healings, empowerment, and love. These are important to listen to again; you will get so much out of it. 

Jennifer’s special offer takes the 2023 Attunement into the quantum with her Wholeness Attunements Package of 21 Days of Attunements. You’ll receive… 7 Attunments for health, 7 more for money, and 7 more again for relationships (which also help health and money). An incredible opportunity to unlock the power within through the energy keys of transformation! GO HERE to learn more and enroll.



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Jennifer will take you on a soul journey to discover the areas within you that are ready to be released. Join her to experience deep healing using her own Spontaneous Transformation Technique (which originated as Body Dialoging and is covered in Joe Vitale’s Book The Key) plus her Sound Vibration Soul Songs and Tonal Healing.

She will be taking calls and chat questions and working with individuals for group healing. If you are looking to shift, this is the call for you!


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