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PREDICTIONS WEEK: Keri Fulmore – January 7, 2023 REPLAY

Keri Fullmore

Keri and her angels and guides shared that this year is jam-packed with beautiful energy… And added that the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies are all being addressed in her overview of the year…

We’ve collectively been through a lot… some are harder to process. In 2023, we are heading into a year of elevated vibration and frequency. There is a new willingness for many to enable real change. This is the year that we can fundamentally shift our energy.

When we turn inward to light up, we can then spread that outward and can create something powerful. If we are willing to move into high-frequency energies available this year, we draw the world we want to see toward us with peace and joy.

Plus, a spiritual cleansing will happen… allowing a deepening into faith and knowing what is really important. People will also naturally be drawn to heart energy and to a higher power. This opens us to getting back to what matters, in faith, and creating something brand new from that. There are also opportunities for true spontaneous healing and creating whole new ways toward health.

The mental and emotional are also inviting in more cleansing, letting go of the old and magnetizing the good. We can now turn toward what we want from a feeling place to actually create it. There will be more light in the dark and calmness even through world events.

And while there will still be bumps, a deeper faith and a release of what no longer works will be available, creating a shift toward trust and faith. The world is changing, and there is a natural cleansing happening. You will be able to now choose to see the good.

In 2023, a lot of folks will look to strengthening the inner body… tending our inner garden in our body. You will start to focus on, “How can I improve the inside?” and move toward genuinely caring for your vessel. There will be new insights and yearning toward understanding the body and health. Opening up the flow of body, mind, and spirit.

There will be opportunities to open up our elimination pathways, releasing old toxins. That includes the colon, liver, gall bladder, kidney, and mitochondria. These can get clogged up… if these aren’t working, disease can show up. Dusting the cobwebs off of the energy field creates newfound real well-being.

Intuition will also open up as these physical pathways are cleared AND will show up in ways that are surprising. Opening you up to spirit working through you in blessed ways.

In general, the best focus would be on letting go, cleansing, and elevating your spirit.

The session work was remarkably accurately assessed, and the solutions were so beautiful and practical and included:
— 3-year-old Grandson Allergies and issues… ANSWER: Food sensitivities, gut issues. Must strengthen digestion and the microbiome. Good probiotics and some fermented foods mom can eat, and it will go through the breast milk. Speak to him through storytelling to help him through the emotional upset he’s experiencing from the challenge in his parent’s relationship. He could try marshmallow root tea to help digestion. Mom and grandma can focus your intention more toward what’s good. Wayne Dyer’s book “Goodby Bumps” to read to him.

— Hips issues… Answer: Karmic releasing. The recent Karmic trigger body is in the letting go period. Upper cervical solutions. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic or NUCCA. Liver and bio-flow digestive bitters (St Francis in Canada, Moonshine bitters original flavor) before meal and enzymes with the meal.

— A whole host of health challenges. ANSWER: Open communication, energetic release. Be able to be open to communication from and to. Breathwork can address the energy in the spine. Digestion work (gut-brain access) bacterial imbalance. It came in through food. Probiotics and GI Revive Designs for Health (helps build back up mucus membrane addressing the leaky gut). Biocidin will help kill off the bad bacteria.

— Challenges with not feeling good (liver, lungs, bloating, etc). ANSWER: 1st, “trust your inner voice.” Mold exposures. Getting mold out of the body. Quicksilver has a good mold detox – start slow and listen to the body to find the right pace. Also, Cordyceps and Astragalus (for lungs), and castor oil packs from the Queen of Thrones.

— Right Shoulder and arm debilitating pain. ANSWER: Looks like the fascia is super tight on the shoulder. Matrix Repatterning releases trauma out of the body, incredible therapy. ALSO, “expect miracles” – pull the energy of love back into your body.

Keri’s amazing Cleanse Special Predictions Week offer is a perfect match to what her angels and guides shared would be available for us. So this is your head start on the year for health and well-being. It is a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual cleanse to open up all the channels of good. WOW! GO HERE to learn more and enroll (I will see you there I just enrolled!)



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About Keri Fulmore

After suffering from severe genetic migraines in childhood, a doctor told Keri that it was incurable and would be a lifelong issue. A deep inner voice loudly said “NO” and guided her to how to heal it. That voice continues to this day and is here now guiding her clients on what actions to take to heal.

Keri studied Traditional Chinese, herbalism and immersed herself in a deep apprenticeship of Native American healing practices. Keri is also a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner.

Keri can “hear” what’s happening inside a person’s body and the body shares with her the causes of illness. Keri is quickly able to help individuals access the root cause of their health imbalances. She is also able to blend intuition with holistic health sciences tuning into the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of the inner road map for balanced health.

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