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PREVIEW WEEK Prediction Week – Dee Wallace

Dee Wallace, Creator of the Phenomenal I~M System of Healing

Recap and Replay(scroll down for player)

We can look at the onset of tonight’s call with Dee as the call that didn’t want to happen. However, there was a divine message we all needed to hear… once we all managed to dial back in after the power surge (which dropped ALL of us on the phone). Dee was told that we have a belief, as a collective, that we cannot handle power which manifested itself very clearly tonight. But was is true is that the power is us… because we are the creative force of the Divine. She was told that 2011 is the year for learning and expanding more into the new energies. It’s time to let go of our stories, walls, fears, and smallness, and we need to know that we can handle that we are the grace of power. With this knowingness, we will be empowered to be more grace in the world.

Jennifer felt that the power surge was like we needed to have a redo, and Dee said redoing something actually drags in the old energy. That we cannot redo, or be reborn; it’s about being born in this body as the grace of power for the first time in embodiment. A statement that felt very true for Jennifer.

Dee addressed that when we go to others to receive predictions for ourselves (i.e. hope, dreams, fears, etc.), we take away the fact that we are the prediction. We can’t really predict because we have a choice in every moment. However, if we want a prediction received from others, we need to claim it. If we don’t, we need to choose differently.

Focus only on what you want.

We were then given 4 insights that the collective will move to claiming in the new year…

  • I am the creation of trust in all energy (trusting ourselves, others, guidance, etc.).
  • I am the firework, the explosion, the electrical experience that is the experience of God. (referenced Katie Perry’s new song, Firework, that speaks of what was shared during a conversation between Jennifer & Dee a few months ago)
  • We must move into creation, instead of fighting and conquering for what we want. Trust that there is nothing to overcome, but only things to create.
  • Claim acceptance and move out of judgment from self and others (balance the dualities).

She also shared that we do not have to claim one thing (i.e. loss, poverty, etc.) in order to have the experience of what we want. We can create what we want now!

Here’s a beautiful image we were given…

Picture the entire the universe within you then the outer universe will create that for you in the physical.

She also gave us 2 statements that came up during a private session with a client that she felt was relevant for all of us…

  • Be the creation of peace and joy by simply being. Knowing we affect the world.
  • I accept that I am the creation of all creation.

To book a private session with Dee, email her at [email protected].

This was an incredibly, powerful call where transformative shifts occurred not only for the participants, but for all us.

Claim YOUR power!

Dee Wallace is a well known actress best known for her portrayal of the mother in Steven Spielberg’s academy award winning movie ET. Dee has spent the last decade developing a remarkable healing model designed to work deeply in the core energy systems of the psyche to encourage profound yet instant release. On her monthly show, Dee will be providing her self-developed model, and she will lovingly (sometimes irreverently) help you to tap into those beliefs and constrictions (without the need to keep “telling your story”) that may be holding you back from perfect health, abundance and joy.

Dee discovered this healing model she calls The I~M System of Healing through teaching at her acting school. As she coached her students she discovered ways to help them access internal programming, which lead to her discoveries of the multiple proprietary healing tools of The I~M System (which also relates to the deep “I Am” of beingness).


This work, which I call the I~M System, has changed my life and the lives of many. We are living in our joy and love exponentially every day. And so can you. It isn’t up to anyone else. Others can guide us, teach us and encourage us. But ultimately we heal ourselves.

Please enjoy this inspiring video!

This call is available as a replay to non-members for 48 hours only. Members will be able to download and OWN after that time expires.

Dee is a regular on MasterWorks Healing Membership Site AND, YOU have the chance to become a regular member of this remarkable site and experience her amazingly funny and insightful guidance… each and every month. PLUS there are 7 other contributors AND Jennifer’s 3X per month Body Dialog sessions each delivering one-on one session work in a group coaching environment designed to clear and raise your vibration. You can now join at 50% off the regular membership by CLICKING HERE. Not only is your monthly membership 50% off BUT you ALSO receive almost $400 in special gifts that will raise your vibration. Join this special community of like minded individuals today, these shows are available live and for download and have changed lives… and can for you too.

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