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Spontaneous Transformation Technique – May 1, 2024 REPLAY

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Jennifer gave us a spontaneous session with her, as Dee was on location for a film. She dove right into session work, which included:

— I lost my parents 2 & 3 years ago and still dealing with a lot of grief. How do I move through that? Jennifer: Your soul says, “Be.” Feel it…forever…because grief indicates how much we loved. You’re one of the lucky ones – you had parents that you loved, right? “Yes.” Feel your feelings. Let it grab you. Allow it. It’s not something you get over. It’s something that is part of your life now.

Jennifer shared about her own experience after losing her sister. The loss is a deep, deep, deep, sharp pain in the heart. It never really goes away. It may dull over time and sometimes come into sharp focus. This is the meat of the sandwich. The bread on the outside – one side is the memories you get to keep and the other side is your connection that will never end.

Mom wants you to pay more attention. She’s giving you signs, trying to get through. Look for the hummingbird – that’s her saying “hello.” Let this connection in.

— Things are not good with my sister…do they have any words about this? Jennifer: “Trust their soul. They are who they are. What they are doing has nothing to do with you. Let it be.” Perhaps there is some jealousy. If she could do better, she would…she doesn’t know exaclty how to. She’s in a coping cycle of lashing out and being mean. Even if the energy is toward you, it’s not about you. It’s who she is and has nothing to do with you.

— In the process of doing my will; I have 2 children – one is good with finances and lives far away and the other is lousy with finance and very thorough with research and paper work…I need to make a decision about who will be the executor of my will. Jennifer: You’re bringing a lot of opinion and judgment, which anyone would, yet that process is not the best for you or for them. People can feel when you’re judging them. Approach this a different way…

Jennifer then guided us all through a process for anyone facing a decision. So powerful!

— Intellectually, I understand going in, feeling your feelings and not going down the scary path…but I’m not able to actually do it. When I go into my soul and feel good, when I came out, I got a debt collector call. Jennifer: The beautoful answer was given in the first word you said – “intellectually.”  You went into your soul so you could be prepared for that call, but instead, your mind went into it being something bad, “See, it doesn’t work.” In that place of doing something to get something, creates an energy of the mind. There’s just a slight change of perspective needed. Move into empowered. 

Book recommendation: The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, by Annie Kagan

— I have a strong sense that my life will be very different in a year. I don’t know where it’s come from. Perhaps someone who has passed has a message for me. Jennifer: It’s actually going to be different for a lot of us…there’s a lot going on right now, old systems coming down…nothing to be scared of. Communities like this are an opportunity to come through this with grace. We’re in a similar energy to 1936-1939, right before WW2. They are not teling me another world war, but something big is going to happen. Many of us will be living a different life in 2 years because of it. We can move into this with trust. Anywhere from 6-10 years, it will be like paradise. It will be really good.

Jennifer’s brand new STT course just launched! Check it out here.



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Jennifer will take you on a soul journey to discover the areas within you that are ready to be released. Join her to experience deep healing using her own Spontaneous Transformation Technique (which originated as Body Dialoging and is covered in Joe Vitale’s Book The Key) plus her Sound Vibration Soul Songs and Tonal Healing.

She will be taking calls and chat questions and working with individuals for group healing. If you are looking to shift, this is the call for you!


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