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Sunday Sound Bath – December 15, REPLAY

Please join us for another unique and exciting Sunday Sound Bath, and unwind and align as our own audio guru, Jon Griffin, uses singing bowls, tuning forks, acoustic and electric instruments to create a uniquely inspired liveconcert or “sound bath” for us to soak in and feel the vibrational energy.

Receive a free high-quality, digitally re-mastered sound bath at jon-griffin.com Sunday Sound Bath RELEASE  resonates with powerful sound healing frequencies and is infused with the intention of relief from chronic pain and limiting beliefs. 

CLICK HERE to resonate deeper today!

Happy Holidays, much love and gratitude for another amazing year together.

Resonate in Love, Peace and Joy as we expand our 360 degree awareness and allow that energy to be fluid and flexible – dancing with all that comes.  Collecting the fragments of any residue of the past to clean and release as one energy no longer needed, we feel our natural fluidity as we take this space and time to restore. This bath holds the intention or RESTORATION to clean, stream, manifest and progress into every possible “YES”.

AND… it’s not to late to come play and participate in the 12 Days of Giving event : http://12daystogive.com/

Join your hosts, Jon Griffin and Kristen Webster, along with Jennifer McLean, Mary A. Hall, Emmanuel Dagher, Mashhur Anam, Hope Fitzgerald, Kenji Kumara, Sarah McLean, Adoley Odunton and more, to share in the 12 Days of Giving! Our gift to you, your gift to the world!


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