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Sunday Sound Bath – October 7 – REPLAY

Please join us for another unique and exciting Sunday Sound Bath, and unwind and align as our own audio guru, Jon Griffin, uses singing bowls, tuning forks, acoustic and electric instruments to create a uniquely inspired liveconcert or “sound bath” for us to soak in and feel the vibrational energy.

Receive a free high-quality, digitally re-mastered sound bath at jon-griffin.com Sunday Sound Bath RELEASE  resonates with powerful sound healing frequencies and is infused with the intention of relief from chronic pain and limiting beliefs. 

CLICK HERE to resonate deeper today!

Jazz legend Miles Davis once said, “It’s not the notes you play, it’s the notes you don’t play.”

We are all familiar with that fantastic feeling of resonating with light workers and members of this beautiful community, Woohoo!!!!

But many of us also know the feeling of seeing or experiencing others in the world who seem miles away from awakening to their own divinity or even to the ideas of ascension.  Yet deep within we know… everything within it’s own time. But sometimes it’s hard – and we feel like we want to do more.

That’s when we benefit from staying authentic and trusting the universe.

With electricity, whether in power lines that light and power our neighborhoods or the electricity that fires off electrical impulses in the and body, an important contributor to they way this energy flows effectively is….. resistance.

In this “no-sound sound bath”  we explore the silence authentically given by the universe as a contributor to the ways in which we resonate out through our energy fields.

A few technical glitches and an open conversation on resistance revealed the true intention of this sound bath and the connection each of us share.


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