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Mark Romero – Symphony of Enlightened Entrepreneurship September 3 Replay

Mark Romero - Sound Vibration Healer and Coach

Mark Romero - Sound Vibration Healer and Coach

You know that I am ALWAYS on the lookout for programs that are going to help you find that flow. Those individuals who are “on to something” and are channeling their energies to help you to discover the magic in your life.

Well here is an amazing program AND an amazing man that I am proud to call friend and collaborator.

My friend Mark Romero is offering a unique coaching experience: Symphony of enlightened Entrepreneurship Telecoaching Program. What a delightful title filled with the energy of transformation… can you feel it?

To tell you all about it more directly, he has agreed let me give you a 45 minute snippet of his program. Expect to get a sense of the energy you will experience through his program.

If you have a job, are in business for yourself or work in an office at any level of the organizations, this program is for you. It melds so beautifully with the coaching programs I have recommended to you in the past, and to some I will be suggesting in the future. What I find so amazing about the dance of life is that the many programs and healers I am involved with overlap just enough for congruency and not repetition. I am so awed at what the universe presents to us through Mark, he is one of those folks whose sound vibrational coaching can change your life.

Ok here is the BEST part, Mark has also agreed to offer this program to my
list—that’s YOU—at a marked dis-count of $100 OFF!!! (Pun intended.) He has created a coupon “jenn.” When you check out just put jenn (lower case two “n”s) in the box marked “coupon” and be sure to click on the “apply” button to activate it. If the price does not show the lower price after the $100 dis-count then it didn’t work. Try it again and get $100 off the program. (THANKS MARK).

Now, through the power of music, tone and vibration, you can put yourself into a harmonized state and align yourself for extraordinary levels of success.

Link to coaching program: Click here to register for Mark’s Coaching program
$100 OFF Coupon code: jenn


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