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The Spontaneous Transformation Technique – January 9, 2016 REPLAY

Our first Spontaneous Transformation session of the year was a remarkable one.

Jennifer led us to explore the concept of compression as a cyclical process. Remembering that compression creates diamonds, perfectly prepares us to embrace the cycles in our lives as they garner beautiful, multifaceted diamonds through experience.

We dove into physical healing, played with a true, unconditional love and received a soul song from ourselves through Jennifer that expanded our capacity to remain conscious of the unconditional love and neutrality within us.

We accesses consciousness of the heart & sacred chamber and explored the notion of needing to fix ourselves. In considering what it means to need fixing, Jennifer helped us affirm that we are not broken nor do we need fixing. Limiting core beliefs have exited to keep us safe and now, we get to shine the light of consciousness on them, releasing their hold on our actions and stepping into our power.

We identified the underlying core belief behind the automatic reactions that keep us safe. From anger and upset to worry, fear and frustration, we have underlying core beliefs that move our subconscious to lead us to act.

You are valued, valuable, important, loved and YOU are the spark of Divinity.

Audio Replay:

(TO DOWNLOAD – PC Users: Right click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target/Link As” to save to your computer. Mac Users: Ctrl+click on the “Download” link and choose “Save Target As/Link As” to save to your computer.


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