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Laurie Reyon is an internationally known Interspecies Communicator and Soul Healer. Reyon’s gift allows her to speak to the animals and the Angels and then translate their messages to humanity. She recognizes the cetaceans as the ancients Beings on this planet. Her work involves communication and healing with the dolphins and whales of earth. Reyon recognizes the great whales as Master Healers and offers healing sessions and workshops where people can interact with their energy and intelligence.

Currently, Reyon and and Master Cat Puddah work as a team, offering many classes, Life Path Angelic and Akashic Record consultations, Animal communication, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Workshops, Spiritual Life Coaching, and Healing and Clearing with Dolphins and Whales workshops. They also facilitate boat trips that provide opportunities for viewing and communicating with the dolphins and frequently whales.

Laurie Reyon has been named “Standing Whale Mother” by the Native Americans and she brings the wisdom and healing energies of the whales and the dolphins to the people, guided by Spirit and the energy of Master Cat Puddah.

Reyon has recently received information from the Whales and Dolphins on how to use their energy to activate and calibrate the HUMAN DNA and assist the humans in preparing for Ascension.

ARCHIVES for Laurie Reyon

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Laurie Reyon – January 5, 2023 REPLAY

Thursday, December 22nd, 2022

Laurie has been listening carefully to her guides and who she channels for Predictions Week.

Laurie’s higher self came through first: 2023 will bring all to move into their hearts and open to love, and many, many, more can now fully awake. There will be a deeper emergence of beauty, and a profound sense of oneness will emerge from where we have been. Since 2017, warring and fear was dominant, and it is now completing.

This is a year we can dare to do the things we only dreamed of. Those that have been honorable and in integrity in recent years will be supported and receive accolades. Those who have been in corruption, unkind, and lacking integrity will not enjoy what they have sown, and the unpleasantness of what they will now reap this year will be more front and center…

CONTRIBUTOR: Laurie Reyon – October 21, 2020 REPLAY

Saturday, October 17th, 2020

The calling to transformation is so strong right now and it is creating some disruption in our fields. So Laurie has a new energy frequency process that is only for advanced souls in this group… EXCITING.

This is focused on helping the earth.

Message from Seth: Light workers are need to assist the earth. The earth has new light codes… the pandemic has a fear wave… the earth needs even more grounding. We are asked to use our collective great power to create change and respond to Mother Earth’s needs. Laurie walked us through a process to assist with this…