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Predictions Week 2022


[NOTE: This page has all the information and will have the replay players for all 7 days of this workshop series.]

Receive From Top Numerologists, Astrologers, Psychics & Mediums for PERSONAL Predictions of What’s Coming in 2022…

  • Work directly, 1-on-1, with TWELVE powerful masters to fully know and understand what 2022 has in store for YOU personally
  • Align with this new year’s fresh, incoming potential and see how to maximize your life over the next 12 months
  • Embrace this new season of change and receive THE guidance that will bring you into flow with 2022



Keri started by sharing… As we move into 2022 there will be a continued focus on stress and mental health and immunity. And there will be more of a turn to anti-aging, which is going to explode with biohacking accelerated from the health issues revealed from Covid.
In 2022 we are moving deeper within to heal our bodies… especially with anti-aging and optimizing with light, health, sound frequency, and breathwork. Understanding the body’s stress response (the leading cause of lowering immunity).
Breathwork, HRV, and light therapy are the highlights. It’s like the world has been holding it’s breath in and this held energy is ready to be released.
Many have been in chronic stress or flight or flight. We are being called to breathe out. Breathwork calms the brain and puts us into parasympathetic response to help the immune system. It calms panic about the future and helps lymphatics, lung capacity, and old stored traumas.
Mindfulness and breathwork are BIG… studies will be coming out about this and immunity.
2022 will also explore Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and ways to access homeostasis (FitBit or Oura Ring can measure this). HRV measures the variation in time between each heartbeat. It is controlled by autonomic nervous systems of sympathetic stress response or parasympathetic relaxation response. It is a way to measure stress.
Finally, Keri sees more light and frequency medicine coming to the fore… in particular Red Light therapy (this one is the most studied). It helps overall health and the immune system. It has been around for 30 years. Red light affects cells by increasing mitochondria, helping create ATP or cellular energy, the powerhouse of the cell… helping it to perform at it’s optimal level. Also helps nitric oxide that brings oxygen; it relaxes veins, promotes thyroid health, stimulates lymphatic, helps with melatonin. It can also help with depression and stress.
The session work was amazing and included: heart racing and things for the vagus nerve, plus herbs motherwort and lemon balm, and also moving out of worry; a session on challenges with sinus and breathing – Keri suggested flax seed oil to help build good estrogen, and to look for candida issues/cleanse, and mold exposure; a session on hip issues related to an old injury, recommended facia work to release the old injury (Matrix repatterning practitioners in Canada); and Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic to put upper neck and back in using sound, as well as trusting your inner voice; a session with back issues from an accident and overcoming Covid, suggestions D-ribose helps with cellular energy, 3X body weight in Magnesium divided throughout the day and being kinder to oneself to help all areas of the body; and much more.
BOOK: Michael Brown – The Presence Process, a 10 Week Breathwork Program


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Marilyn shared about how special the Masterworks Healing Community is, and how it helps you to see a high vision.

This year is about living the life you want to live… you can’t be in victim mode… it’s time to choose to make things happen. Masterworks Healing is a great place to receive this support.
It’s a big year. Stop going, “Please tell me it’s going to be better ” — now it’s time to choose. January is NOT carrying the energies of 2021, which is very unusual. And this is a pivotal year. Choose who you want to be and make choices that are FOR you.
Marilyn suggests this year you take inventory. Start by knowing what do you want to take inventory of – Is that dream something you still want? Notice if your choices have been moving your dream forward. Ask: “What belief systems do I have to shift to bring it to the next step?” BELIEVE that you can live the best life. Look at where you might need to let it go. 
After inventory, write down your goals and intentions… then examine what character traits do you need to move that goal forward (like confidence, vulnerability, courage). Pick a character trait to work on each month. Surender to the universe and the dream, and align with your soul by igniting the character trait. 
For example, say it is courage… do something that ignites courage. This is Soul Ignition… make a list of things that terrify you and do them. Not the MOST terrifying one, but something that puts your foot in the water of that fear. Look at the adventure of it.
Then pay attention to the signs from the universe. Change your perspective… 
2022 is about changing how you hold things, changing your perceptive. And know that it is YOU that must make it happen (not outside of you). Live a more inspired and passionate life born from inside of you. And listen to inspired action.
Marilyn shared that Spirit woke her up to… “What if I could have my best life ever from this moment froward?” So, this is the year you can claim it and choose it. And choose it in a way that has never been available before.
The session work was amazing and included…
— Meeting goals of financing with travel – Marilyn shared “trust the excitement with life”; 44 is about foundation; beliefs – “I can’t travel because XYZ.” World tour of music and culture.
— A message of loss and how to connect in the midst of loss. Powerful insights.
— Tiny small steps in moving forward, moving out of the realm of what we think we need to do. Activating your healing.
— Identifying your dreamwork and what is working it out… write out what you want to work out and then write in your dream journal… at least write down what you feel, or a song, flower, etc. and look at the symbols. Give yourself a plan of action with dates.
— How to stop hiding, ways to believe in yourself, not giving your power away, connecting with guidance. Work with an archangel for a month to get to know your guides. You choose your guides as a co-creation.
— Finding your own answers and trusting your answer over another’s answers you’ve sought outside of you.
— Changing your mind and your beliefs about what’s wrong – the job you don’t like, that person that is upsetting, etc – to shift your whole life.

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2022 is a year of manifestation. Previous years were a lot of releasing.

The Council shared that all of us listening have been preparing for what is coming up and are aware. We are now primed to manifest the things we desire. “As you look at the phases of manifestation… what you have been in attracting, allowing and bringing in energy, now this is the year where those energies pop from the transformation. The new energy is coming in for what you are wanting to experience… your original design of wellbeing, success and abundance are about to manifest.”
The Council shared that the very cellular structure of your body, soul, and blueprint as a human being is designed for creation. They suggest that as long as you are paying attention to the mind when it is focusing on the opposite of your divine design, notice when emotions are revealing through upset that you are not in alignment. When you also know that you are more than your physical body. When you understand that you have emotions, but you aren’t them. When you trust that you are an energy body living in multi-dimensions… Well when you know this, you are then a manifesting king/queen.
They shared that you get to command energy. You get to claim that “I am done with struggle and lack and limitation is not the truth of my original nature.” You can claim your real divine life force. Say to yourself: “I would like to experience myself today as the frequency of joy.” Then put yourself in receiving mode and allow that joy (or whatever energy you are expressing) to expand your container beyond the beyond. Now you can transmit from thoughts, words, and deeds in this new frame of joy and all energetically will reveal back to what you have been vibrating. 
What is influencing you in 3D cannot source you the way your divine power, wisdom, and love can source you. No matter what you are desiring, the source has the energy and support to make it happen… and can now move it on a fast-moving stream. You now have a divine motor guiding, directing, and opening doors for you.
It is time this year to learn how to be your own energy master. Now is the time to be neutral to other’s upsets.
2022 is offering the moment to awaken to your partnership with your divine original nature. More of us will move into more of who we really are. Yes, contrast is out there, yet such complete focusing on the negative is about to change. You are now more powerful than that. Use the divisiveness and upset now to move into oneness, expansion.
In 2022, you have the ability to be a channel for higher vibration and therefore, a higher vibrating reality.
The Council will never agree with the lack and limitation, the perceived fears and failure.
Issues are already solved in the realms of energy. 
The divine is the great knower, the divine has it solved for you and has the next steps available. Having faith in what and who is breathing you, that divine breath is there for you all of the time.
Solutions that your human mind have are being worked out on your behalf. It is now time to have faith of the divine that is breathing you. It doesn’t matter how long the low vibrational thoughts and actions have been there – it changes quickly. It is a very fast reset button.
Mind wants to separate you from this divine universal truth to make you special and different. 
2002 is here to assist you in breaking up with your old energy vibration if you want your life to change. To now being a walking prayer of gratitude. Consciously being a channeled expression of Love. You get to be excited to be a co-creator and rejoice in the creation. You can now allow desires to birth out of you with enthusiasm and joyful expectation. Feeling a simple sense of fulfillment, peace, harmony, connection, and satisfaction.
The session work was absolutely remarkable and included:
— How to make a decision, a really cool process from The Council.
— Overcoming loss, fatigue and inertia. Feel the energy of compassion, ask for that energy, then put focus on the belly/emotional body. Allow yourself to feel what is in the abdomen. Ride that wave of emotion like riding a surfboard of emotion to the shore of release. Then ask divine self to bring energized and revitalized to awareness.
— How to expand a business, create what you want – fascinating insights from The Council.
— Physical issue with left side, it is an imprint… The Council brought in a lovely healing process of light and safety for all. The brain and nervous system were addressed, helping all the physical issues in all bodies. And how to trust the emotions that come up. Discovering safety. 
— Starting things and not finishing them. It is the negative self-talk that gets in the way of the flow of the divine. When starting and in the middle, keep remembering and recollecting why you started this – let the energy re-juice you up. WHILE managing the mind, noticing the negative, but not letting it spiral you down.
And sooo much more!!

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Laurie shared some amazing messages from Whales, her higher self and Seth/Puddah.

Energies will now support us living from the heart. And that heart energy will help with peace and heart openings. This is the next step of evolution for humanity.
Drama is changing and opening compassion and empathy. The drama is motivation to move all into more love. More of the collective will come through the negativity and have a new choice each day to stay strong and positive, radiating the coherence into the world. Helping the collective.
Many more souls are awakening to the power of the emotional body. Many souls are taking their power back. And there is growth with this. All that has happened has helped to access new solution energy, to a much more enlightened awareness about ourselves… to our awakened self. Joy and fun is on the horizon in higher consciousness.
No longer is life hard to grow. Balance is possible.
Many more will consciously live in their hearts and a higher vibration. No more victims and predators – just high vibe support and possibility.
It doesn’t have to be difficult… just follow the joy. Find a way to play each day and open to spontaneity and creativity. Doing what you love to do.
Emotions are the creative force, moving out of mind and into heart.
Your spiritual awaking doesn’t end it happens each day… sunlight, feet in earth creates balance in spirit, mind, and body. The earth is in the photon belt and codes of creation are activated… this wisdom light is transforming us. Our Soul is designed for our awakening.
In 2022, Carbon-based molecules are breaking down and transforming into higher frequency, creating more of our light bodies. It’s time to actively work with your light.
This year, the old ways are holding on for those that are being forced to come of age. Rooted internal beliefs we must experience… challenge and “hard” beliefs are rooted in fear and survival… they are beliefs of the mind. They have been passed on from generation and they are up for exposure and change. Old beliefs are being exposed and transcended… 2022 is poised to be a magical year.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
As we predicted, 2020 and 2021 was a time of escalation for humanity. Yet a deep connection was made and you truly opened a new reality. Each of you will be brought into a new beginning that is built upon this foundation of opening. 2022 is a good time to create individually AND create as humanity.
The pandemic was a spiritual dark night of the soul… now a new hope is emerging out of this dark night. It was here to process new insights, clearing for a new life and new world. All have gone through a personal and intense journey.
Now it is time to clear what has held you and humanity back. Support for awakening has never been stronger.
In 2022, many will open to innate abilities… evolution is expanding. Activating deep intuition and manifestation. Veils are getting thinner, so you have more access to your guides. Keep practicing. Ascended masters and archangels are here to assist you as well. Simply ask.
We, as whales, have been preparing the way for millennia for this moment and are here to assist you in the time. We are here to help accelerate your divine blueprint. We offer an opening to the crystallin seals. Your light body is being activated, and when you ask us for assistance, your natural gifts will be activated. Whale sounds change the water in the body to the “Merkabah” and light body. Whales are the healers of the healers, and we are here to assist you in healing old beliefs, traumas, toxins, etc.
Choose to connect with your Merkabah and tune to the whale frequency… you will also receive help from angels – we are on the same frequency as angels.
You will be an activated being. 
You are finding new soul families to help with this activation and awaking. More and more are becoming masters of this new reality. 
2022 you will experience some contrast and conflict and divisions, yet an equal measure of more hope. You are a transformational being contributing to the collective opening and future.
1) Stay in your heart, keeping upset out of the mind and thoughts.
2) Find love and success in what you do.
3) Increase your self-love.
4) Set goals and intentions for miracles.
5) Be a catalyzing energy for your community.
6) Consider every challenge an opportunity to create a new existence. Refuse negative energies in your thoughts. Trust the wisdom of your heart.
Puddah/Seth Message:
We are standing at the dawn of a new era. Not easy times, yet as we stand together as heart-centered beings of light, we must hold the light for all. Why we have incarnated now is being revealed. 
This is a most historic time and a massive number of souls are awakening.
Most illustrious and moments of time, the shadow is up for healing. We are releasing the old darkness and keeping a powerful and clear connection to our soul.
Hundreds of millions of souls have been shifting and healing the shadow. We are healing at the core level.
Anyone struggling, come back to the heart, and experience this grand play from a higher vantage point. You will see the positive potential of the new direction of humanity.
Vision and manifestation are easier, as we anchor heaven on earth. You are the front runner, awakening souls in the “great alignment” – the last vestiges of suffering are complete. Now moving into your authentic self. Now you can co-create planetary change and healing.
Now a major leap is happening among souls. January 22 the great alignment will be complete. Architected by the archangels. The lessons of the past will be more fully integrated… your future is intact, and peace is yours and all’s future.
Your ability of holding neutrality and peace will change many lives.
2022 is the dawn of a new era. Good to do a thorough self-inventory…
Ask yourself daily:
What frequency am I committed to live in
Do I want to live in peace?
What are my desires and how do they match with peace?
Am I ready to release the old?
In the outer world, darkness will still try and rise and control, and yet the light is anchored. Heaven on earth is here and cannot be thwarted.
The world WILL BE free of darkness in these “end times…” bringing in the divine light. There is an unstoppable unifying action moving across the earth. It is set to awaken the masses.
This is the moment you have waited for, despite the seeming upset and control outside. Many souls are contributing to the grand divine plan, you are one of them.
Next major dimensional shift will be on January 22 2022, prophesized for eons, bringing acceleration to the planet. Specialized gifts will be manifested. The asleep heart openings will happen. Awaking is the keynote of 2022. You are a part of this light network.
2022 advancement will bring forward new inventions and solutions.
Self-love is the key to everything: prosperity, health, relationships. Triangularity is the key, not duality. Use free will to balance the energy in the body, ground in earth each morning and find gratitude, breathing in the energy of the sun, then come into the heart (that is the triangulation). That is the frequency of the earth. It creates a protective energy.
The session work was miraculous, Laurie worked with many many pets and brought forward loving messages for owners and all. WOW!


Download the transcript of Laurie’s call right here.

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Thomas shared that for 2022 there is a REAL opening of the heart chakra. It came up over and over in almost every area he looked at for 2022. There is a major shift happening. People will be deeply tapping into heart center and will be making big changes from there.
For some it’s going to bring up a lot for them… it will force them to dig deeper internally. And it will be challenging for them… so for those of us that have been on this path for a while, we might want to move into compassion for those who have resisted until they are now energetically being “nudged” open.
Thomas also shared that continuing themes of 2020 and 2021 of energetic transparency, the old false beliefs, and shadow will again be moving up to be seen and healed. AND many will be tapping into their intuitive gifts more and more… and this becomes a natural part of day to day living.
In 2022 we are still seeking answers to the big problems in the world (and for some in our lives). Yet, more and more are realizing the huge impact of incorporating emotions, metaphysical and spiritual things into the equation. It is a time of integration of spirit. And as it moves to the forefront, there will also be, in general, more validation of the spiritual.
This Masterworks Healing community will be called to be experts, guiding these new metaphysics in. There will be chances for you in this community to shine. 
People previously didn’t quite catch up to this trend until now… many are really starting to go there and there is an opening here. In fact, there is a real set of systems of emotional, spiritual and metaphysical thought that are going to open even more and be available to many more.
The session work was absolutely REMARKABLE. Thomas did it again with incredible accuracy.
Session work included:
— Root cause of medical problem and looking deeper than the diagnosis.
— Fear of living on my own and managing through a divorce, and how to visualize that.
— How to decide where and how and to move into discovering your confidence.
— Moving through an injury and using it to expand.
— How to access and bring forward our gifts.
PLUS, Thomas also delivered some beautiful, accurate and moving messages from the other side for many, many participants. AMAZING!


Download the transcript of Thomas’ call right here.

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Mary started by sharing about this community… Masterworks Healing is reflecting the master in each of you… the master that is in your divine essence and knowing that is ready to bring you forward in your mastery. MHMS contributors see the best in you and hold you in the canopy of love, compassion and care as they channel through the messages for you.

Look at the frequencies of light that carry this spectrum of color of divinity that each contributor individually brings forward. They are all holding you in the energy to bring the best of 2022 forward for you.
Then she brought in her Predictions for 2022:
Being present for YOU is part of this year’s request.
It’s actually a brand-new blank slate. There is a recalibration, and you can make it what you want. The opportunity is to recalibrate to divine love and the higher dimension of the heart.
Old trends are shifting into brand new trends… don’t live by the old. Move into these new opportunities. You can be the guiding light of your own life and of what’s next for you and all.
2022 has opened a brand-new portal – a new year with renewed compassion towards self and life experience. Willingness to see its renewed compassion can bring our life experiences forward in a whole new way.
2022 holds a year of possibilities far beyond your precious comprehension… a year filled with genuine self-care and self-love. You can welcome yourself into your life fully and completely. Renewed health, vitality and prosperity.
It is a year of welcoming divine love like never before. SO HUGE!
2022 is an exquisite, expanded realm of possibility — a window is opening a new and powerful you in 2022… you must open your heart to your divine love… integrating your physical, emotional and spiritual through the heart center. The new insights and wisdom come through the heart and fuels us… and we can now embrace and take action from this.
There is also a way of giving space… it is a crucial time to stop and realize that the only thing that stands in the way of receiving what we desire – what keeps us from an expanded place of love and wellbeing and prosperity – is your beliefs. These old false beliefs about yourself will tether you to the past. Or you can embrace the truth of your divine light and move yourself through divine light to your soul light frequency. When you do that, you radically alter the internal environment which completely shifts the external. A pure heart from this new frequency of love morphs so that our external world reveals it now. It holds infinite possibilities for us.
Then Mary took us through a process that allowed these predictions to be in us now. We got to imagine our new divine selves rising. Here now with renewed powerful essence of wealth and possibility in every corner AND it is aligned for us.
Divine love is ALWAYS present… moving in as a soothing balm supporting every part of our life. 
There is a reconciliation energy coming in, creating reconciliation with all.
There is a release of old stories and beliefs… allowing 2022 to be a year of welcoming a brand new you.
It’s a year of new beginnings, healing the past, more health, welcoming in divine love, huge prosperity, and deep transformation into the new possibilities. We get to receive these heightened energies.
The session work was miraculous and included:
— How to be financially in abundance… “Your beliefs are the container of your experience.” False belief of “working hard and never enough…” many of us have this as our energetic identify. Mary guided us to our soul light energy and spoke to that false belief that is part of us. “You’re going to be alright.” WOW!
— Handling things with a new level of grace by helping others… noticing the mind’s falsehoods. Moving to create from creation soul light energy. Mary took us through another level of healing and guidance.
— When luck seems to turn from good to bad. Noticing a new power is coming forth; the old is changing and nudging us to the new. And Mary guided us to a profound new state, helping us to tap into our Soul Light and love came in and uncreated old traumas and beliefs. Learning to love ourselves again. 
 — How to move from trauma and mistrust into love and manifestation from the heart. Who you are from your soul light energy has never been traumatized. Love yourself back to life. Incredible.


Download the transcript of Mary’s call right here.

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Dr. Robert shared that this community of Masterworks allows us to stand in the light and numerologically it’s a great year to join.

Numerologically 2022:
Welcome to the year of light speed change. This year shifted before the year began, which isn’t normal… it usually doesn’t really shift until February. The influence has already begun. 
2021 was the year of hope… now 2022 is about what dreams may come TRUE. It is the year of hope AND dreams. No dream will be too crazy to become a reality. You can explore new opportunities. 
6 year which isn’t usually about beginnings… but this year there are still “new beginning” energies. 2022 enhances an ability to attract, which then comes back — and multiplied.
In 2022 we will be returning to our lives, yet our lives are anew.
It is a time to step into our zone of genius… we are influencers in this community. First, we are influencing our lives, which influences others’ lives. We can see and make the changes in ourselves and that helps others and impacts their lives. There is then an elevating of positive change for those around us and the world.
So become more influential this year… One way that is part of this numerological energy, is listening without interruption. We give others a voice around us as we listen. Acting with more integrity out loud as an action, not words, while also making ourselves more accountable. Another important point is taking care of ourselves, nurturing ourselves, self-love, spiritual, mentally, emotionally, all the time. Be relevant of ourselves – know yourself, step into the activities of life. Activating our zone of brilliance.
This year is a multi-numbered year. It is a 33 year… 33 – healing through acts of love. So 33 is embedded in a 6 year (3+3=6). This means there is a magnified healing process. 
Its’s also a 222 year (2+2+2) which represents stillness, quiet and peace. It’s time to be present, to the quiet voice within, as well as experiencing life and really getting in there. It’s important to note that the 0 (2022) is a symbol representing the power behind it. That “0” is energizing the Soul Power message coming to you from the stillness. AND 222 is an angelic number (triple and quad numbers are angelic energies) meaning there is angelic support in this 222 year.
Dr. Robert recommends being a smile therapist… smile to yourself, to others — smile as much as possible, even if you are faking it (the brain can’t tell the difference). Smiling will change your world; this year is the year to smile.
6 (2+0+2+2 = 6) is the power of love, including relationships and relationships with the planet, animals, each other. 
6 means infinite potential, it is a powerful number, not a gateway number. It sits at the highest point of the crown chakra, the peak of spiritual existence and is the connector to the silver thread. It is our connection to spirit and bringing heaven to earth in that unification. 
There is an energy in the “6” that gives us renewed purpose. We can claim anew a purposeful life… there is a purpose for it all, even if it doesn’t feel like it. It’s also about wonder and awe. There is an opportunity to influence ourselves with wonder and awe. 
Family relationships, too, are part the “6.” And this 6 can be the victim/bully energy… be conscious of that to empower and listen to ourselves and others. It’s also about security in our relationships to ourselves and others.  
Conflict in family and the divisiveness is part of the “6,” yet there is also a possibility of letting go of expectations. It is a time of really stepping into the unexpected. There is an opportunity for us to be seen and for us to see others. What is it that you want say, AND be willing to listen to others and what they want to say.
We’ve been feeling this for a while… it’s like a rocket ship that is vibrating in anticipation but hasn’t take off… when it does, it slowly leaves the ground. That’s where we are now… slowly leaving the ground.
In this year, exercise play, improve the play muscle.
The session work was remarkable and included: moving into beingness from smallness, even through fear; what’s next after retirement; managing through health issues; discovering your power; the opportunities for career this year, how to plant seeds of your purpose… and soooo much more.
Remember it is first come first serve for Dr. Roberts 60-minute Numerological session and special offer (plus all the other goodies).


Download the transcript of Dr. Robert’s call right here.


The energy is very much about love.

2022 predictions mean possibilities and potentialities. There is a plan for the earth for us and our growth, even though it isn’t in stone. There is a plan, and we are on plan, on time, on target.
We are heading faster to that point in the plan of love.
Time is speeding up, it’s not our imagination. There is a strong sense that our thoughts are manifesting faster. If you compare it to when you were younger, or even a year or so ago, our thoughts are manifesting and coming much faster.
Her mother read a well-known spiritual teacher that shared: “Desire is living forth.” We are one… If we understand our connection our power, it expands and our abilities to create and expand.
We need to change our focus from fear because that is a creative force as well. Our thoughts create reality… it’s time for us to take responsibility for our thoughts. Our thoughts are impacting more of our family, our trees, plants, water and the planet. The planet is a living reflection of us, so revealing our beliefs… we can change all of this.
Animals create from their thoughts for the basics. Whereas our thoughts are much greater; our thoughts and feelings are bringing the change. These thoughts are cumulative, from childhood to now, and even from past lives. It is time to embody our consciousness – words, thoughts and feelings impact Mother Earth. We are in partnership with her; she holds the space for us to consciously create. She helps our creations.
Our collective consciousness is bringing forward new opportunities for all of us, and you are contributing to that.
Our co-mingled thoughts, words, and feelings, they impact all life. This energy is speeding up. We can be in this powerful love reality no matter where we are.
Through the difficulties of the last two years, we are realizing the power of community. When a loved one passes into spirit we think they are out of reach or need to go to a medium – the spirit realm is a different reality; the energy moves faster, there is a higher vibration… we are raising our vibration and we are bridging the gap.
Now all of us can be mediums… this means you can all communicate with all, both alive and deceased. The interconnection of all life will continue to emerge, the energy is speeding up. The connection to the afterlife is speeding up. 
The negative is all moving us into more partnership. We need to work together to save the planet. We’ve been through this before and done it together.
The colors of 2022:
6 (2+2+2) is the number of Venus Aphrodite goddess of love, tarot is the lover’s card. This year is about cooperation and partnership. And of course, relationship. Yet the most important relationship is with self, soul, divinity, Mother Earth. It includes angels, guides, and beings of light working with us and through us.
20 (of 2022) Blue and pink is masculine and feminine, this is Star-child energy. We are from the stars… it’s time for us to move from healing alone to healing as a collective. Blue and pink merged is violet. Star-child energy helps us to connect again with soul. This energy moves us from fear to love. While this may sound “new age,” it is now destined to be our reality.
22 (of 2022): Yellow and pink together are called rebirth and awakening. Soul power center yellow with the feminine pink. Love and female. Loving without being dependent. Time to shift our dependency, personally and globally. We are waking up to the possibilities. 2 is the number of balances; 22 is the master number of rebuilding. We can bring EVERYTHING back to peace and equilibrium.
2022 color for 6 is red… red with anger, or passion, rage or action. We will see challenges in relationships, yet we have the power of “6” of choice. What will you choose – love or fear?
The affirmation of 20/Star-child: love is letting go of fear.
Optimal time for growth – let that growth be from love and less and less from fear.
Elizabeth took us through a powerful healing color journey and reading.
Some color interpretation highlight included:
Black: Contains all the colors and it is often protective energy. Black in the body, it’s doesn’t want to be seen. There is some heavy sadness ready to be lightened up.
Blue: Helps you come back to your truth and communicating your power. Fertile part ready to wake up, possibly creativity waiting to be born again.
Brown: Is a color of waiting for a seed to be planted for hope to be awakened.
Blue and Green: Together is speaking form the heart.
Green: Is creating space for the love. For the divine to come in. The door is opening. Green is balance. Being in alignment with what you are brining into your body. An emotional center.
Violet: Is opposite of the yellow in the color wheel; it is time for transformation to a higher power. An emotional center. A connection to loved ones in spirit.
Yellow/Golden: Is your power center; there can be fear in the yellow, pain, not feeling protected. Wounds ready to be healed, in the release it is powerless. A mental center.
Pink: Hope, sense of moving through loss into something new. Loss replaced by love that creates wholeness. Healing the child.
Silver: Connection; silver cord between you and spirit, mom, Mother Earth. Reconnection.
Color Card Tarot Readings:
1. Archangel Uriel, burning away what it doesn’t need and stepping into power. Heart-shaped wings. Passion within.
2: #77 Color magenta pink and white it is love. Allowing you to take in the love… the fear is just sitting there, and the focus is on the love. 
3: Green and orange… about being victorious. And being celebrated. “You’ve done it! You’ve taken back your power” and you can move forward because you tap into your emotions and your creativity. Create a mandala and doodle – that will share with you what is going on with your energy.


Download the transcript of Elizabeth’s call right here.


Tori feels inspired when she speaks to Masterworks Healing – they all want to learn and want to contribute.

Re-Dreaming Your Future…
Tori immediately started a powerful workshop and meditation. This was the basis of the readings. This is a multigenerational healing. And you can see your connection to your ancestors.
She shared some perspective on what our relatives went through in the 1940s and the fear that was created that impacts us still. Your relatives were there and they carried that in your DNA.
In 2019, there we were, standing on the precipice of a new decade with Covid on the horizon. Covid impacted every country, no one is exempt from this.
There is an undercurrent of fear because we don’t know what this will become. Yet we also know that within us is the solution. All you need to thrive is already hidden in your family agreements and your chakras.
Tori then, through the readings, really revealed the deeper material that we are all churning through.
There are 7 people (chakras) that each have an internal answer for us and the readings used this to reveal the chakras… it was incredibly revealing.
Tori pulled cards that were relevant for all of us.
What an amazing and unique experience.


Download the transcript of Tori’s call right here.



It’s a long game for change on this planet. The “trend” (and we have power in this) is a general trend of decentralization. Power used to be from the top down, and there are souls that want to keep it that way and are focusing on preservation. They want to preserve their position and have decided what life should be and don’t want it to change.
Others who want more equity and fairness decentralized their focus on ecology, personal responsibility. The power flows from all. Blockchain technology trends enable this decentralization to happen.
There is a fear-based false need to stay in the old – a fear-base system. This is generationally passed down… and now we are awake more. The pandemic forced us to reevaluate. Markets will always be hyped and there will be mistakes. But the willingness to try new things and learn, creates a lot of opportunity for what’s supposed to be next.
The old definition of security is limiting in this framework. Community, support, willingness to let others have their journey, even if you don’t agree with it. Giving ourselves permission to be us and permission for them to be them is the expanded reality. We have the right to say yes or no and look on the other side in compassion for ourselves and others.
Brian and his guidance is really optimistic, for what’s next and what is possible… there is transformation in every minute. And it’s time to notice the fear of change and do it anyway. And bring with it a willingness to be authentic. “A willingness to be authentic is a driver of change.”
And… it’s not “Do I have the energy for this?”, but instead, “Do I have the love for this, even if it seems hard and challenging?” Go have fun and play to get your mind off of the fear.
The session work was simply remarkable and included:
— Not holding on because you won’t be able to be able to contribute again if you don’t let go. Not about saving others first or self-sacrifice. Releasing betrayal. In caring for yourself, you will be able to take care of others.
— Manipulating others to understand you without being direct to avoid conflict. Time to speak your truth calmly. 
— How to be an empath in these new times. People need their suffering and you can’t take that away from them… unless they ask — it’s not yours, it’s theirs. Fanning the childhood innocence and inner child that can be used to see what’s true.
— How our parent’s idea of God impacted our lives. BOOK recommended: Three Magic Words by Uell S. Andersen. You are an aspect of the divine… take time to notice the power of the indwelling God. You are as powerful. The affirmation: “I acknowledge and accept the indwelling God.”
— Coming forward to ask for what you want. You don’t have to be significant, not everything that you say is significant… yet it’s ALL relevant. Valuing yourself and what you have to offer, and not assuming what others think first.
— “What am I supposed to be doing and why aren’t I?” That question gives responsibility of that to someone else. BETTER: “I am open to knowing my purpose.” (Purpose is the context of what you will be doing in the world). “What If I were happy and whole?” – play in that new template.
— Moving past having to change yourself in order to belong, time to crack that protective shell and come out and be truly you in your power of vulnerability. Having your own emotion is important.
WOW, absolutely incredible morning of transformation and insight.


Download the transcript of Brian’s call right here.


The channel shared: Nothing is definitive in what they are predicting, because this community and humanity’s consciousness is changing so quickly. We are electrical beings (even our technology measures this electricity, like heart EKGs measure the electrical rhythm, brain scans measure electrical impulses, etc). The universe is electromagnetic and our thoughts and energy influence all of it.

You have to tune in to the signal to create the life that you want.
The primary signal of Covid (the greatest number of people are sending out): “Oh my gosh, everybody has it.” You don’t want to buy into that… if the majority of energy is sending that out, that affects the collective consciousness. And this thought signal becomes a dominant affect in the world. Then more buy in, and that becomes mass consciousness… that then decides what happens this year. We are in the midst of this now (NEW MATERIAL) … many are saying WE ARE DONE.
We can now claim freedom, health, vitality, and vibrance, and that can change this trajectory entirely.
If we keep focused on the belief that “We are all getting Covid…” then it lingers longer. You are more powerful than you know around what you are creating this year. It is more important than ever for you to take command of what you believe.
Dee did a quick demo on this around “I Am Money.” She guided us to simply claim that statement, then breath and see what shows up. Many may see pictures that are outside of you, like money on the floor, coins in a pile, money floating around. Then she had us focus in on our inner light and claimed, “I Am Money.” This now created a renewed frequency of money. Use the light within you to heal yourself.
Trump will not regain office; his health is bad… he may pass. His power is waning in this county.
Focus on love, unity, balance, fairness, justice, and communication – this will help to create the country we want, no matter who is in change.
All injustice is brought to justice… love realigns, but it may not be apparent at first. You are the love that creates love as a dominant force.
Heard immunity takes place and people in general become healthier.
There is a lot of psychological fallout, especial for children, and new forms of therapy are born that will help everyone. The biggest thing you can do is go to love.
The economics on the planet will even out and countries will work together because they have to.
They recommend getting rid of your junk – clear out the accumulation of “crap” that we are holding on to.
Don’t focus on congress and parties because they represent us, instead focus on what you want in unity.
The channel is especially asking us to make decisions for the greater good. If there is a decision you have to make, stop and ask which decision is for the greater good.
Climate gets worse, we have 5 years to turn things around. Climate represents our anger and selfishness to only think of self. Refocus thoughts and action to the greater good. Focus on creation for the whole.
Gun control. We are on the wire of this changing… if the majority of energy decides right now, we need more gun control and civility, it will be created. Focus on civility, order, love, and respect. NOT FEAR. The signals are at 60% for guns and 40% for gun control now, but this can change. There is a lot of confusion about the 2nd amendment.
Democracy will reign this year.
There will be many breakthroughs in health care.
BOOK: David Hawkins’, Power Vs Force
Asking your questions for the greater good.
The session work was wonderful and included:
— Attacking themselves in any way… immune problems are attacking themselves. “Take a sad song and make it better” (from song Hey Jude). Change the limiting definition of yourself. It’s time to claim myself as free. I am the powerful god of me who is free which is free, harmony, peace. Not who out there is going to create it for me. Proclaim that “I am God.” To say it, I have to know it. It’s within you, you have to know your health, love, and acknowledge you own magnificence.
The false core belief is: “I don’t think I have enough energy to do this.”
Our brains were locked in at 8 years old. And these lovely false beliefs are running things in the unconscious. 
— With America in divide, what can we do to heal the heart of America… “America is unified in love.” Look away from what we call reality and see the expansiveness of peace and love and unity, possibility. If it is a negative, then reframe it into the positive, “I am choice, I am free and I’m choosing to focus on the positive.”
— Being a caregiver for a loved one who has cancer. Who taught you to second guess yourself (which is the energetic source of her cancer). Martyr energy. Claim; “I put me first.” Stay in your knowing. Doubt will create, “yes, no, yes, no,” back and forth, and that is the definition of staying stuck.
— Whatever you focus on, you draw to you and create more of. Unless you are incredibly conscious right now. They are pulling our focus toward what we don’t want. Focus only on what you want. Jesus: “Think only on these things: peace, love and harmony. The more you love yourself in the highest way, the more you create what you want.”
— Turn it around with self-talk… that thought is not going to get you what you want… and laugh at your false thoughts. NOW “What do you want?” then see it, claim it, know it. Train yourself to do that.
— Changing the definition of our rules (as a belief); for this participant: “I am a mother that supports my children while creating my life powerfully.”
— Moving into reaction to anything is a sign you are out of creation. If we are in reaction and blame and judgement, this keeps love at bay and makes everyone pay for it. We have come to the end of the struggle. The world will not survive if we keep focusing on the struggle and who is wrong. 
— No one leaves this planet without choice. Every soul chooses when they are ready to leave. There are widows when they choose to leave. Your job is to honor their choice of when they leave. Claim: “I release you to your own divine. I am Presence to your own creation, while I create me in the highest way I can.”
Absolutely incredible session with the amazing Dee.


Download the transcript of Dee’s call right here.


A wonderful finale to Predictions Week 2022…

It started with an explanation and mea culpa to personal responsibility, to being triggered in the previous session, that modeled how to use upset to shift and heal the energy permanently.
We all participated in a powerful Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) session, healing up any personal upsets or recent triggers. This revealed the core incident that we were able to deeply transform as we empowered our little ones, our energy field, and our being.
Then we claimed a new “I Am” statement for 2022 (and we did this as a community).
We then went in and tightened the weave of this new neural pathway created from the STT session and the “I Am” claim by listening to and experiencing the Soul Song of 2022. So sweet.
In the session work, we played with our purpose, making decisions from the heart; we played some “what if” games; we danced in new energies of possibility; found our voice and more!
Thank you for an amazing co-creation!


Download the transcript of Jennifer’s call right here.

soul song button 2022
weight loss button
soul power button


  • Ginnie Van Meter says:
    January 3, 2022 at 4:32 pm

    Looking forward to seeing this! I’ve asked for it!

  • Maria Abad says:
    January 3, 2022 at 8:25 pm

    Wish all of you a very blessed New Year 2022 !

    In gratitude and love,
    Maria B. Abad

  • Cathryn says:
    January 3, 2022 at 11:39 pm

    how do I get on for Healing With The Master Predictions Week 2022. Are we not going to be able to listen over the computer this year?

  • Melissa Shuton says:
    January 5, 2022 at 12:12 am

    Hi Cathryn, on this Predictions Week main page, there is a link to each individual show. That’s where you’ll access the web player. And it will link to the replay after it’s live. Let us know if you have any other questions. Enjoy Predictions Week!

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